skill line overview

        Skills are used in Elder Scrolls Online to perform combat and become a better crafter. Skills are organized into Skill Lines which have a combination of Active Abilities and Passive Skills. By placing these skills into their own skill lines, it can give your character that broad range of options. As an added benefit, more options mean your choices have more impact. When you gain a skill point, you can put it into any skill line that’s available to you. Every skill point is a chance for you to define your character and to choose to specialize or branch out and give something new a try.

what are skills?

types of classes

         Classes in Elder Scrolls Online are pre-made character roles equipped with skills and equipment geared towards their intended purpose within an adventuring party. With the features of Skill Points, it allows the player to create specific builds around specific attributes. There are five types of classes to pick from giving a wide verity of choices to fit the play style you prefer. These classes are Dragonknights, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, and the Warden.



